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The work of a drop of milk at the Belleville Dispensary (triptych), 1903. Creator: Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy.
The work of a drop of milk at the Belleville Dispensary (triptych), 1903. Creator: Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy.
The work of a drop of milk at the Belleville Dispensary (triptych), 1903. Creator: Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy.
The work of a drop of milk at the Belleville Dispensary (triptych), 1903. Creator: Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy.
The work of a drop of milk at the Belleville Dispensary (triptych), 1903. Creator: Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy.
The work of a drop of milk at the Belleville Dispensary (triptych), 1903. Creator: Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy.
The work of a drop of milk at the Belleville Dispensary (triptych), 1903. Creator: Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy.
The work of a drop of milk at the Belleville Dispensary (triptych), 1903. Creator: Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy.
The work of a drop of milk at the Belleville Dispensary (triptych), 1903. Creator: Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy.
The work of a drop of milk at the Belleville Dispensary (triptych), 1903. Creator: Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy.
Pierre Paul Emile Roux, French physician, bacteriologist and immunologist, 1928. Artist: Unknown